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The Institute of Localisation Professionals (TILP) has the primary aim of developing professional practices in localization globally. TILP is a non-profit organisation owned by its members and led by an elected Council. TILP represents both localization industry professionals and professionals active in localization-related areas.
LISA: Localization Industry Standards Association http://www.lisa.org
Founded in 1990, LISA is the premier organization for the GILT (Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and Translation) business community. Over 400 leading IT manufacturers and services providers, along with industry professionals representing corporations with an international business focus, have helped establish LISA’s best practice guidelines and language-technology standards for enterprise globalization.
STC: Society for Technical Communication
STC is an individual membership organization dedicated to advancing the arts and sciences of technical communication. It is the largest organization of its type in the world. Its 25,000 members include technical writers and editors, content developers, documentation specialists, technical illustrators, instructional designers, academics, information architects, usability and human factors professionals, visual designers, Web designers and developers, and translators - anyone whose work makes technical information available to those who need it.
AILIA: Language Industry Association
The vision of AILIA is to make Canada a world leader in the language industry. Its mission is to join forces and be the voice of the Canadian language industry.
In September 2003, Allan Rock, Minister of Industry, confirmed the amounts allocated to the Canadian language industry, to AILIA and to the Language Technologies Research Centre (LTRC) as part of the Action Plan for Official Languages and the federal government’s Innovation Strategy. The government will be providing $5 million between now and 2008 to help establish a representative organization and fund coordination activities. A further government investment of $5 million will help start up market promotion and branding initiatives in Canada and internationally. The government would like to increase investments in the area of research and development. By dedicating $10 million to this area, and in cooperation with the National Research Council, it will help establish a research centre in Gatineau, Quebec.
ATA: American Translators Association
ATA, founded in 1959, is the largest professional association of translators and interpreters in the U.S. with over 8,500 members in over 60 countries. ATA’s primary goals include fostering and supporting the professional development of translators and interpreters and promoting the translation and interpreting professions.
GALA: The Globalization and Localization Association
The Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) is a fully representative, non-profit, international industry association for the translation, internationalization, localization and globalization industry. The association gives members a common forum to discuss issues, create innovative solutions, promote the industry, and offer clients unique, collaborative value. For more information, visit www.gala-global.org or contact info@gala-global.org.
CATS: Canadian Association for Translation Studies
The purposes of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies are to promote research in the fields of translation, writing, terminology and interpretation; to offer a framework for the discussion of matters relating to the teaching of these disciplines; and to communicate the research and findings of its members and of other researchers and educators.
CEFRIO: Le Centre francophone d’informatisation des organisations
Since its founding in 1987, the Centre francophone d’informatisation des organisations (CEFRIO) has led more than 200 projects with a total value of CAN$30 million. Emphasis is on three key approaches: promoting the application of relevant organizational research results; transferring the most useful forms of strategic knowledge and know-how; and disseminating information linked to our field of expertise.
The accent is on action research, meaning that researchers are able to develop their hypotheses in the field, while at the same time, useful results are quickly provided to organizations. CEFRIO focuses on three fields of knowledge: corporate competitiveness using information technology; transformation of public services using information technology; and knowledge management.