Reliable multilingual information is the foundation of AD-COM's mission. Our global translator network and advanced language technology enable us to deliver rapid, cost-effective translation services in every business language and content format at the highest level of quality.
Over the years, we have gained wide experience in the translation of very specialized texts: Telecommunications, Software Development, Electronics, Finance, Education and Automotive. As subject matter experts, the AD-COM team understands that a linguistic solution that works in one specific industry, or even company, does not necessarily apply to all.
All AD-COM translations are rendered by a native speaker of the target language and reviewed for accuracy and style by another language professional specializing in the subject matter at hand. Terminology glossaries and translation memory databases are developed for every client by our in-house and in-country experts. This service ensures accuracy and consistency between translations across multiple projects, and reduces the time to research and review exact terminology. Our translation team has access to the latest terminology banks, dictionaries and reference materials.
Software Applications Help Files Installation Guides & User Guides Quick Reference Cards Technical Support Manuals Illustrated Parts Manuals Scripted Lesson Plans Product Posters Product Brochures Packaging and Collaterals Parts Catalogues and Databases Marketing Materials Web sites Articles and Press Releases Flowsheets Patents Annual Reports White Papers and Data Sheets
Our DTP and QA specialists are skilled problem solvers-consistently saving our clients time and money. They adhere to the strictest quality control procedures for translation and presentation (AD-COM's system of checks and balances, and QA). Every project is thoroughly checked for typographical errors, omissions, misinterpretation, cross references and consistency across a range of documents.
Our in-house and in-country linguists and translators, software engineers, desktop publishing professionals, graphic specialists, subject matter experts, and administrative staff will ensure that your business communications are clearly understood around the globe. On time. On budget. On YOUR terms.

Aside from maintaining your budget, outsourcing only when needed offers you: > The ability to hire translators and editors experienced in the translation of your specific subject areas;
> The ability to translate large texts to deadline (because your "staff" can grow to meet the situation's demand);
> Compliance with international and domestic standards in the field of translation; and
> A range of comprehensive services: preparation for printing, master layout development, desktop publishing, copying, binding, etc. |